Writing Contest Article

This Spring the Heritage Hunt Little Theater is sponsoring the 2018 Heritage Hunt Little Theater Playwriting Contest. It is an exciting new contest for all residents of Heritage Hunt.

The Contest is your chance to say what you think and show what you feel. And then, possibly, you can see your creation performed live on the Ballroom stage by the Heritage Hunt Little Theater.

To enter, all that you need is a dramatic or a comedic story idea, a creative way of expressing it and a pen or pencil to finish it off. Submitted plays are not limited to any particular category or style and can be presented in one or two act format. Play entries can also be created by an individual or as part of a group, provided each participant in the group receives appropriate billing.

At the conclusion of the contest, the judging panel of the Heritage Hunt Little Theater will review each potential winning play for style, flow, use of theatrical elements, readability, and suitability for the audience. The winning entry will receive a $250 congratulatory award and the chance to work with the Little Theater team. Participants will be notified of contest results and the winning playwright(s) will be introduced at a Heritage Hunt Little Theater presentation.

Remember the contest is open to all Heritage Hunt residents whether you are a member of Little Theater or not.

Let your imaginations work overtime and Happy Writing!